You have properly heard about biotin and the great things it can do for your hair texture. But, before you buy into the hype, learn more about whether biotin will change your hair texture or improve your quality of hair.

When you consume enough biotin, hair texture can change. Biotin can optimize the health of your hair so that your hair feels softer, thicker, stronger, and better overall. However, there’s still not enough scientific evidence to support the role of biotin in hair growth and health.
What Causes Hair Texture Changes?
Biotin is not the only thing that’s associated with changes in hair texture. Below. We examine some common causes of hair texture changes.
Major hormonal changes can significantly change the texture of your hair.
For instance, during pregnancy, the body produces high levels of estrogen and other hormones, which are responsible for the pregnancy glow.
Pregnancy hormones can also cause the hair to grow thick and faster.
The same hormonal changes are responsible for unwanted hair loss during menopause when levels of estrogen fall.
The same thing can also happen if you have an overactive or underactive thyroid gland.
Hair Treatments
Over-styling and overhandling, your hair can make your hair texture worse. That’s why it’s always recommended to avoid heat styling, bleach, and color treatments.
On the other hand, natural hair treatments like hair masks can do wonders for the texture of your hair.
Health and Diet
If you have a nutrient deficiency or live an unhealthy lifestyle, your hair will reflect this by having a poor texture. However, lifestyle and dietary improvements can make hair softer and healthier.
As you age, your hair will not only turn gray because of decreased melanin production in your hair follicles. But your hair will also become coarser and dry because the hair follicles will start producing less sebum.
When your hair falls out during chemotherapy, it may have a different texture when it starts to grow.
For instance, you may find that it’s curly when it used to be straight. That’s because chemotherapy alters the shape of your hair follicles, resulting in texture changes.
Some medications can also change your hair texture.
Will Biotin Change Hair Texture?
Although there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence that biotin can change hair texture, researchers still haven’t come up with conclusive scientific evidence to support the beneficial role of biotin in haircare.
However, what is known is that biotin deficiency can cause thinning of hair and hair loss.
The good news is, studies have shown that biotin supplements can help improve hair growth.
This link between increased biotin intake and better hair health helps to explain the popularity of biotin supplements. So, will biotin change hair texture for the better?
Biotin may change the texture of your hair to a certain extent based on its important biological function.
The reason why biotin can improve thinning and hair is that biotin, also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H, is needed for protein synthesis.
More specifically, biotin is necessary for the production of keratin, the protein that makes up your hair strands.
If you have a biotin deficiency, you’ll definitely notice an improvement in your hair texture, but if you’re already consuming enough biotin, there’s no scientific evidence to suggest that more biotin will boost your hair quality.
Why Do People Use Biotin?
As mentioned, biotin plays an essential role in many processes in the body, including the production of keratin.
One of the main symptoms of biotin deficiency is alopecia (hair loss). Therefore, it’s necessary to consume enough biotin to maintain hair thickness and health.
Today, most people use biotin because they have heard that it’s good for their hair.
For those who are already deficient in biotin, using biotin can potentially result in stronger, shinier hair.
However, if you have already experienced hair loss and thinning, you might not see marked results by taking biotin supplements. For the best results, you might want to consult a qualified hair specialist.
People who are worried about experiencing hair loss and thinning down the line also take biotin to maintain their hair’s thick texture.
Pros and Cons of Biotin
Wondering about the upsides and downsides of biotin when it comes to your hair texture? Here’s a quick breakdown to help you make an informed decision.
- Can boost hair growth in people with biotin deficiency
- Helps prevent hair loss and thinning through sufficient keratin production
- Biotin is not only good for hair, but is also beneficial for nail and skin health
- Can strengthen your hair and help minimize breakage
- Not guaranteed to produce desired hair texture changes when taken
- Side effects can include acne and breakouts
- If hair grows thicker and longer, the same also applies to hair in other areas of your body, which can be a hassle.
How to Take Biotin to Get the Best Results?
The most popular way to take biotin to improve the texture of your hair is by consuming biotin supplements.
As always, the best practice is to have a chat with your doctor before introducing a supplement into your diet.
This is especially so if you have other medication that you may take or if you’re pregnant.
If you get the go-ahead to take biotin supplements, be sure to follow the prescribed instructions on the bottle or stick to the instructions from your doctor or pharmacist.
You may be allowed to increase the dosage after a while when your body is accustomed to high biotin levels.
Should you experience any adverse effects, stop taking the supplement immediately and seek medical attention.
You can also take biotin by making dietary changes and eating more foods that contain high amounts of biotin.
Natural Biotin Sources
If you want to boost your intake of biotin without taking supplements, there are many rich, natural sources of biotin you can consume to achieve the results you want.
Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds like sunflower seeds and almonds have been shown to be a good source of biotin whether you consume them raw or roasted.
Eggs are not only a rich source of protein but are also packed with mineral salt and B vitamins, including biotin. Egg yolk is an especially rich source of biotin.
Did you know that most of the biotin in your body is stored in the liver? Consuming animal liver will therefore deliver more biotin to your body.
Upping your fruit intake by including more bananas in your diet will help you get enough biotin in your diet.
Legumes like peanuts and soybeans are chockfull of beneficial micronutrients like biotin.
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