A mother recently asked the online community whether she was right in standing up to a teacher who was using her daughter as a “behavior buffer” for a boy in class during a school trip.
The Daughter Was Going to a Water Park
The woman explained that her 9-year-old daughter was going to a nearby water park with her class. She knows how much she loves the water, so she was confused when her daughter “came home crying a few days ago and told me she didn’t want to go,” the woman said.
The Daughter Was Upset
Like any good parent, she asked her why but she wouldn’t say, “because she thought I’d think she’s a bad person,” the mom explained.
She Was Forced to Sit Next to A Boy
When the woman finally coaxed it out of her daughter, she told her that her teacher had “forced her” to “buddy up” with a boy in her class during the trip.
The Daughter Didn’t Like the Boy
“She was to ride the bus with him to and from the trip, eat lunch with him, and go on all the rides with him instead of spending time with her friends,” the woman said.
The little girl said that nobody liked the boy “because he whines whenever they have to do work and picks his nose and wipes boogers everywhere.”
Oh, dear.
The Mom Couldn’t Believe It
The mom was horrified because the teacher had forced her daughter to do such a thing and because “she had made her believe she was a bad person for not wanting to.”
Unfortunately, this wasn’t the first time the teacher had used her “soft-spoken, intelligent older daughter as a behavior buffer,” she said.
The Teacher Was Bias
She feels the teacher is “too comfortable enforcing archaic gender roles on her kids and forcing girls to do unpaid emotional labor for the sake of the boys.”
The Mother Sent An Email
Swiftly, the woman composed an email to express her disapproval of the teacher’s actions. However, the teacher stood firm, asserting that her daughter should collaborate with the boy if she wanted to be allowed to go on the school trip.
The Mom Wasn’t Having It
She informed the teacher that her daughter would not be attending and then immediately booked VIP tickets to the water park on the same day the class was going so she could spend time with her own friends.
But that wasn’t enough. Other moms in the class got wind of the teacher’s action and pulled their kids out of the trip too.
Lots of Parents Canceled
“In total, eight kids out of a class of 20 canceled the trip,” she said.
This was an unexpected turn of events, and the mom got an email from the teacher. She said that because half the class wasn’t going, they’d have to raise the cost, or none of the remaining students could go.
The Teacher Asked the Mom to Reconsider
The teacher practically begged the mom to let her daughter go on the trip, and she wanted her to tell the other parents to let their kids go too. The teacher further promised that she wouldn’t make her daughter do anything she didn’t want to do.
She Said No
However, the mom stood her ground and wouldn’t let her daughter go on the trip. Her husband thinks she’s being petty and that the teacher clearly feels bad about what she did. He thinks the mom should let the girl go as his wife has already gotten her way.
“He asked me if I really wanted to deprive the children of what they’ve been waiting for all year,” she said.
People Responded to the Story
One person said, “Am I alone in suspecting that the teacher isn’t so much feeling bad about what she did, but faintly terrified of either having to explain to her superiors why the trip is suddenly in jeopardy or the backlash from other parents when it comes out why the trip she organized has fallen apart?”
Another said, “I think the whole situation is bad. The teacher wasn’t willing to make any changes until it affected her. Because now the other kids and their parents are going to blame her, so she has repercussions. That’s the reason why she agreed to let the girl be free of the boy. Not because it was the right thing to do, but because it now directly affects her.”
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*This post has been edited to include updated comments from forum users
*Images are for illustrative purposes only
Source: Reddit