Back in high school, a man’s classmate always made fun of others. One day, he unintentionally responded back at him. Now, at their high school reunion, his classmate demanded an apology. Did he apologize? Let’s find out.
The Dramatic High School Reunion
A man recently attended his 10-year high school reunion. Seeing his old schoolmates again sparked up a memory of what happened in their senior year.
Hello, Sean!
There was this kid in his class named Sean. “Sean was the class clown type, always cracking jokes, but at the expense of others,” he said. They were never friends in school, and this man’s friend group was always a target for Sean’s jokes. “I wouldn’t say he was a bully, but he was not a nice person,” he concluded.
Sean was the One to Look Out For
One day in class, Sean made his jokes as usual, and the teacher kept correcting his attempts at “contributing” to the discussion. After a few corrections of some of the comments he was making that just derailed the class’s attention, Sean said to the teacher, “Oh, come on, Mr.C, you’re making a fool of me.”
Oops! My Bad!
When Sean said that, this guy muttered under his breath, “Well, that’s not hard to do.” Unknown to him, he said it louder than he intended. The whole class fell silent, so everyone heard. “It resulted in half the class doing the typical high school teenager reaction of yelling, “’Ohhhhhhhhh,’” he said.
The Class Became Distracted
The teacher did a good job getting the chaotic class back on track. The incident was never brought up again. Sean never approached him, and he didn’t either.
Sad Memory
Unfortunately, the teacher has since passed away. This led this man and his group of friends to reminisce about their class during the reunion when someone brought it up. Sean wasn’t part of the group having this particular discussion, but he was close by and overhead everything that was said.
Apologize, Now!
He saw Sean go to the restroom after the story was brought up. He felt bad, and thought that Sean was probably upset at himself for what he had done ten years ago. However, “he approached me later and demanded that I apologize to him for that comment ten years ago,” he said.
The man was shocked at first but later composed himself. He couldn’t believe that Sean had the audacity to demand an apology after ten years. He then said, “Sure, you need to apologize to everyone you made fun of first.”
He Walked Away
When he said that, Sean didn’t appreciate his response, so he walked away. Throughout the rest of the reunion, Sean was in a sour mood. “I still don’t know what prompted him to demand an apology after all this time,” he said.
No Crying Over Spilled Milk
He told his friends about the interaction he had with Sean, and they were split on whether he should have apologized or not since it was something that happened ten years ago.
However, he felt that he would have apologized if Sean had approached him nicely. Additionally, he didn’t think Sean deserved an apology if he couldn’t apologize to the others he had hurt back in school.
The Online Community Responded
Someone said, “He can dish it, but he can’t take it. He can’t expect to have run his mouth and never have received a counter. Plus, it was ten years ago. Clearly, he hasn’t changed much if he can’t acknowledge his own mistakes.”
Another said, “He got off lightly. This was unintentional, but even if it hadn’t been, it’s nothing compared to what he said.”
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