Best Gelatin Hair Treatments: 2 Easy DIY Recipes

Made up of keratin proteins, gelatin can be used as part of a hair care treatment. In this article, we will look at some of the best gelatin hair treatments and arm you with a few D.I.Y recipes.

gelatin hair treatments

It’s never been easier to give hair a protein-infused gelatin treatment from the comfort of home. All you need to do is add 2 ½ teaspoons of gelatin to 1 cup of hot water. After 20 minutes, rinse out and enjoy strengthened, lustrous hair.

What Is A Gelatin Hair Treatment?

Gelatin is produced from cooking collagen which is a type of natural protein. The gelatin produced has no color and no flavor. It can be dissolved in warm water.

A gelatin hair treatment is a way of infusing protein into the hair. One of the many good things about gelatin is that it bonds to the hair, adding strength and a glossy shine.

Benefits Of Gelatin Hair Treatment 

Our hair is made up of a protein called keratin (also found in feathers, hoofs, and human fingernails).

This protein can become damaged and broken down from straightening, coloring, styling, relaxing, bleaching, and swimming.

So, it needs a little protein injection to keep it in tip-top condition.

And that is where gelatin treatments come in.

The partially cooked proteins found in gelatin bond easily with the hair. They nourish the entire strand of hair and attach especially well to areas that have suffered the most damage.

A gelatin hair treatment has a plethora of benefits: it smoothes the hair cuticle, reduces hair breakage, and enhances shine. It also helps manage frizz.

Signs that Your Hair Requires Protein

Signs that Your Hair Requires Protein

It is important that you don’t overload your hair with protein as this can take weeks to correct.

However, if you have any of the following symptoms, it could be a sign that your hair could benefit from a protein-boosting gelatin treatment:

  • If your hair is breaking easily, this means the fiber is weak and needs strengthening.
  • Hair is frizzy.
  • Hair is limp.
  • Curly hair won’t hold a curl or has lost its curl pattern.
  • Hair is dry, even after using a deep conditioner.
  • Hair has been relaxed, straightened, bleached, colored or had excessive manipulation like braiding.
  • Hair has been in receipt of excessive moisture, for example, if you have regularly gone to bed with wet hair.

Also Read: What Are Biotin Injections? The Ultimate Guide

Best Gelatin DIY Hair Treatments

If you have decided to infuse some protein into your hair at home, then read on for two easy treatments you can put together yourself.

There are also a few optional extra ingredients listed below if you want to show your hair some extra love.

Gelatin Pack Hair Mask- Treatment 1

You will need:

  • Powdered gelatin (half a pack or two tablespoons)
  • 2 tablespoons milk or water
  • 2 tablespoons hair conditioner (skip this if you have oily hair)
  • Applicator bottle
  • Wide tooth comb


  1. Warm up the milk in the microwave or use hot water.
  2. Whisk in the gelatin.
  3.  Leave to sit for 15 minutes.
  4. Whisk in the conditioner- the mixture should be like a thick gel.
  5. Decant the mixture into the applicator bottle and leave to cool a little.
  6. Apply and comb the gel through wet hair from roots to ends (if the paste is too thick, add more milk or water).
  7. Wrap hair in a towel and leave to dry for 30-40 minutes.
  8. Rinse out with shampoo.

Gelatin Pack Hair Mask-Treatment 2

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon powdered gelatin
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon honey


  1. Add the water to a small saucepan.

2. Carefully sprinkle gelatin over your liquid while whisking to prevent lumps.

3. Place the pan on the stove and allow the liquid to warm until steaming, stirring regularly with a spoon to avoid the gelatin sticking to the bottom of the pan.

4. Add the honey and vinegar and continue mixing.

5. When the mixture begins to steam, remove it from heat.

6. Decant the mixture into the applicator bottle.

7. Let the mixture cool and while this is happening wash your hair.

8. Apply the mixture to your hair.

9. Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave to sit for 10-30 minutes.

10. When the time is up, rinse thoroughly, condition then allow to air dry.

Below are a few optional extras you can add to the recipes above to add extra goodness to your hair.

Coconut Milk

This can be added to the recipe to replenish moisture to the hair.

Herbal Tea

Nettle, peppermint, and rosemary tea can all be used in the recipe to add shine and are suitable for all hair types. Dry hair can really benefit from the addition of sage, marshmallow root, and elderflower.

Avocado or Banana

Overly dry hair may benefit from adding avocado or banana. These ingredients add moisture. Blend the avocado or banana in a blender before adding to ensure the application is even.


Another option is to add a little oil. A few drops may suffice, or you can add up to one tablespoon. You could choose olive, almond, argan or coconut oil.

Essential Oils

Different essential oils benefit the hair in different ways. Rosemary injects some shine and camomile oil is good for dry hair, while tea tree is good for oily hair.

Should You Buy Protein Treatments?

Should You Buy Protein Treatments?

If you don’t have the time or inclination to mix up your own protein treatment, you can, of course, buy one.

Aphogee Two-Step Treatment

Aphogee is a salon service product available for use at home.

It is blended with magnesium and modified proteins which fuse to the hair when heat is applied. This results in a drastic reduction of hair breakage.

Neutral Protein Filler

This can be added to your conditioner or deep conditioner or applied directly to the hair after washing.

The protein filler restores keratin which has been stripped from hair through processing, making your hair feel stronger and healthier.

If your hair feels overly porous or damaged as a result of bleaching or relaxing, then this treatment is a good choice.

Bear in mind that a neutral protein filler is based on wheat protein so if you are sensitive to wheat products, it might be best avoided.

Also Read: Is Baby Shampoo Good For Hair Loss? (The Facts)

Tips Before Trying A Gelatin Hair Treatment

When it comes to adding protein to hair, balance is key.

While a certain amount of protein is good for hair to add strength, too much and hair turns frizzy, becomes less flexible, and is prone to breakage. But fragile hair, lacking in protein breaks too, so it really is a balancing act!

If you find your hair is stiff or crunchy after a gelatin treatment, rinse the treatment off, then apply your usual amount of conditioner or a teaspoon of diluted apple cider vinegar to your hair.

Rub this in thoroughly then rinse off.

When you next do a gelatin treatment, reduce the amount of the product you used the last time.

You may need to experiment with this a little: shorter hair may only need half of what the recipe directs, while longer thicker hair may need more. To get the most out of a gelatin treatment, it should be applied once a month.

For strength, frizz management, and a glossy shine, try a gelatin hair treatment to replenish lost protein.

Disclaimer: This site is not intended to provide professional or medical advice. All of the content on is for informational purposes only. All advice should be followed at your own discretion. Ingredients may change at any time so always check the product label before using. Check our full disclaimer policy here.