About four years ago, a construction worker came to blows with his boss, who demanded complete punctuality from his staff. The day started early at 6 am, and if anyone was a couple of minutes late, the boss said he would dock 15 minutes from their pay.
“The next day, I accidentally left my tape measure in my car and had to walk back across the job site to grab it, but I made it inside at 6.01 am”. His boss wasn’t impressed and told him he would dock him 15 minutes. “So I took all my tools off right there and sat down on a bucket.” The boss asked why he wasn’t getting to work, and he replied, “I’m not getting paid until 6:15, so I’m not doing any work until 6:15. I enjoy what I do, but I don’t do it for free.”
The boss tried to argue with him until the construction worker said, “if you’re telling me to work without paying me, then that’s against the law. Do you really want to open the company and yourself up to that kind of risk? Maybe I’m the kind to sue, maybe I’m not, but if you keep on telling me to work after you docked my time, then we’re going to find out one way or the other.”
After that, the boss shut up pretty quickly, but everyone else witnessed the confrontation and thought, hey, the guy has a point!
Soon after, everyone started being more relaxed. Over the next few days, the workers that would have been one or two minutes late just texted the boss to say, “hey, sorry, boss. I would have been there at 6:02 am and gotten docked, so I’ll see you at 6:15 am and get to work then.” They then sat in their cars until 6:15 am and came in when their time started.
But the boss wouldn’t give in. His pride seemed to be more important than making things right, and instead of allowing the workers to be 1-2 minutes late, he stuck to his guns and continued to enforce the 15-minute rule.
After a few weeks, however, the boss got “chewed out by his boss over the loss of productivity” and how bad the docked time sheets looked. His boss told him it reflected poorly on him as a leader because deadlines were being missed.
“It showed that he didn’t know how to manage his people,” the man said.
So finally, the boss changed his mind, and as soon as the policy was gone, the workers went back to normal, and they were able to catch up on work fairly quickly.
“Worker solidarity for the win,” the man said.
Source: Reddit
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