She Purposely Planned a Sleepover for Her Daughter on the Same Day As Another Sleepover and She Wonders if She’s in the Wrong

A young mother recently posted on Reddit, asking for advice about an incident at her daughter’s school.

The mother had purposely arranged a sleepover for her daughter on the same day as another mother arranged a sleepover for her daughter, and although it sounds petty, she had good reason to.

Here’s what happened.

woman sleepover
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Her 8-year-old daughter was recently invited to a sleepover by a classmate. However, the daughter was quite sad when she handed her mom the invitation, as it turned out her best friend, who was African American, wasn’t invited. The mum was pretty sure that it wasn’t done on purpose and tried to explain the situation to her daughter the best she could. She reassured her that there might be several reasons why the friend wasn’t invited. For example, there might not have been enough space. But the daughter knew better. She told her mum that the friend who was hosting the party had told her that the African American friend was not invited because “she isn’t like us.”

The mother became concerned that her daughter would have a sleepover in a house where the parents held prejudiced views. So she got out her daughter’s class photo and asked her to point out all the girls that were invited. 

Just as she had suspected, they were all white. There were 13 girls in the class, and eight of them were white. As it just so happened, only those eight had been invited.

The mother called a friend of hers who was Arabic. She had a daughter in the same class, and when she was told the story of what had happened, she became angry at the thought that her daughter had not been invited because she was Muslim. 

The young mother investigated further and looked up the host parents on Facebook. “I saw quite a few problematic posts,” she said. 

The mother, therefore, decided that her daughter was not going to go to the sleepover as she didn’t feel comfortable leaving her daughter in the care of those people.

She discussed the issue further with her Arabic friend, and they decided to come up with a plan to make their daughters feel better.

They were going to have a party on the exact same day, and they would invite all 13 girls from the class.

But of course, problems started to arise when some of the girls began canceling the first sleepover to go to the second one. The parents, who had arranged the first party, asked the mother if she could move her sleepover to another date. But the young mother said no because she wouldn’t get her deposit back, and this was obviously a lie.

There were a lot of discussions amongst the parents over this. Some of them told the mother in question that she was being mean to the child, who wasn’t responsible for how her parents acted. 

The mother now had second thoughts about how the little girl would feel if everyone started to cancel her sleepover.

What do you think? Was the mother right to do this? 

You can read the full story on Reddit here

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