Unlock a Better Life: 25 Things You Can Do Right Now to Escape the Rut

There are numerous small adjustments you can make to your daily routine that have the potential to significantly enhance your overall quality of life. A recent Reddit poll asked, “what improved your quality of life so much, you wish you did it sooner?” Here are the top 25 answers.

Going On Walks

Photo Credit: Joe Besure/Shutterstock.


“I used to sit at home all the time, just going to the grocery shop and to work. Walking in the evening around my city, or maybe at the weekend in the woods… it’s really nice.”

“I was going to say the same thing. I lived for years in a city that has some beautiful walking areas and never went to them. It’s great for mental health as well as physical.”

Seeing A Therapist

Photo Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock.

“It took me years to realize that what I needed was a trauma therapist. I didn’t recognize my childhood neglect as abuse. It shaped who I was, and now I’m starting to be the person I’ve always wanted to be, and I feel worlds happier.”

“My therapist has saved my life.”

Healthy Eating

Eating Well
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“I aim for more than my five a day. Since I started, my skin has improved, and my health indicators are amazing, even as I age. Plus, my food tastes better and has more variety.”

“Me too! I eat more veg and fruit; now I have so much more energy to chase my toddlers around, and my body feels the best it has in years.”

Dental Care

Photo Credit: lenetstan/Shutterstock.

“I discovered that flossing isn’t about removing food. It’s about introducing oxygen, so little pockets of anaerobic bacteria can’t thrive and do damage. Now, I always floss.”

“I LOVE going to my dental hygienist and hearing, “Oh wow! Not much to do here! Looking good!” and my dental x-rays always come back clear.”


Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“Made me so much more confident and resilient to know that I can work through my own issues without needing constant attention and validation from others.”

“I agree with this too. Seeing proof of all successes, big and small, daily and yearly, helps so much on a bad day. It is seriously one of my best strategies that I can do on my own.”

Being Organised

Photo Credit: nampix/Shutterstock.

“Keeping my room organized and putting things back where they go is a game changer!! This really helped my anxiety.”

“100% agree with this. Putting all my emails into folders has been a game changer for me.”

Glasses That Block UV Light

Glasses That Block UV Light
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“The company that made my lenses is called Zeiss. It’s relatively expensive, but my workplace health insurance covered it. I wear it every time I leave the house now.”

“No need for separate sunglasses.”

Wireless Headphones

Wireless Headphones
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“It makes things more flexible. You can wash dishes, walk around, exercise, organize your room etc., without having to have the phone on you. No wires to untangle. They’re so much more user-friendly and convenient.”

Setting Boundaries

Setting Boundaries
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“It’s not my responsibility to take care of everyone. It’s okay for me to take a step back.”

“I echo this sentiment! I thought it was “mean” to set boundaries, and I walked on eggshells, not wanting to say no or hurt anyone’s feelings. Now I know it’s completely normal and healthy to set boundaries and maintain them.”

Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“I had a giant, crooked nose. I agonized about fixing it for years, worried that I was being selfish and vain. Finally got a nose job at age 34. It changed my confidence by x1000. If I could go back and re-do my life, I would have done it at age 19.”

“It gave me so much confidence and freed up my brain to think of other things.”

Having Cats

Having Cats
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“The way they run towards me and start chatting makes me so happy! If I feel stressed or sick, a cuddle makes me feel instantly better. If I’m bored, I play with them. They have only brought me joy since they have been in my life.”

“They’re just like little balls of life and energy bouncing around the house. Even if they’re taking a nap or off doing their own thing, their little presence is so comforting.”

Coming Out Of The Closet

Coming Out Of The Closet
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“Being out to some people and in to the rest made my life very complicated for years.”

“I told people one by one in the order I thought they would be the most supportive. That way, I’d have a bigger support base by the time I got to the hardest ones.”

Prioritizing What Makes You Happy

Prioritizing What Makes You Happy
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“My life changed when I did this. The men I have been with have always let me prioritize them and don’t reciprocate. I stopped doing it, and while my husband’s happiness decreased, I honestly don’t care because mine has DOUBLED.”

“When I mentally applied this to all the problems I have, they all vanished in the wind.”

Laser Eye Surgery

Laser Eye Surgery
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“My God, if you are half blind and can afford it, do it.”

“Not only has my quality of life drastically improved, but it has actually saved me money in the long run with lenses, frames, and exams.”

“1000% agree. It’s been life-changing.”

Having Fewer, Better Friends

Having Fewer, Better Friends
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“Totally on this. My circle of friends has really reduced to a handful that I truly get along with, and most are online. Just the overall reduction in things has started to make an impact on me as well. Less things, less stress.”

“Giving fewer people emotional bandwidth inside your head is a MASSIVE life change!”

Not Staying In A Toxic Relationship

Not Staying In A Toxic Relationship
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“My ex held me captive via gaslighting and manipulation. I lost my teenage days, didn’t enjoy my college years, didn’t go for nights out with friends, and didn’t get the chance to focus on myself and my career. I wish I had left him sooner.”

“Same! I lost my teenage years doing whatever a guy said.”

Not Arguing With Idiots

Not Arguing With Idiots
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“There is so much power in calmly saying “I’m not continuing this conversation.”

“Some people genuinely aren’t worth engaging with. You can’t win with people like that, and by trying to, you’re already losing.”

Saying ‘No’

Saying 'No'
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“‘ No’ is so powerful. You don’t have to explain yourself. You don’t owe that to anyone that doesn’t pay your bills or sign your check.”

“Every time you say ‘no’ to something or someone else, you say ‘yes’ to yourself.”

Prescription Migraine Medication

Prescription Migraine Medication
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“After years of suffering from migraines, I went to a neurologist. Best decision I made. They got me started on meds; now, I rarely get migraines. It’s been a huge relief.”

“I finally got the treatment I should have gotten decades before. See a neurologist!”

Being More Private

Being More Private
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“This is huge. It’s called an “info diet.” It took me way too long to realize that I could keep personal things to myself. It gives toxic people in my life much less ammunition.”

“I would often share too much, especially with family, and regret it later.”

Going To The Gym

Going To The Gym
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“I feel so much better. I’m not in amazing shape, but I feel like I’m doing something for myself and taking care of myself.”

“I used to have terrible, chronic, constant headaches and dizziness that weightlifting completely cured.”

Having One Set Of Matching Jewellery

Having One Set Of Matching Jewellery
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“Like two rings, one bracelet, one necklace, and earrings, all in gold and harmonizing together. I am always wearing them, and I get complimented every day.”

“Agreed. I got my set from my mom, so it’s also really special to me.”

Stop Aiming For Perfection

Stop Aiming For Perfection
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“I used to be a perfectionist in a very extreme way; I should’ve just let go and not wasted so much of my time and energy trying to fix everything.”

“The perfectionism also affected the people around me, my boyfriend, the most. I didn’t want it to have so much effect on my loved ones.”

Getting A Light-up Alarm Clock

Getting A Light-up Alarm Clock
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“It’s been a dozen years, and I have never, ONCE, had one of those zombie days where I just couldn’t get myself awake. Even on two hours of sleep. Even without my morning tea. NEVER. I wake up gently, and my eyes slowly adjust to the growing light.”

“Your entire life will transform.”

Sleeping On A Memory- foam Mattress

Sleeping On A Memory- foam Mattress
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“It changed my life when I got an adjustable bed with memory foam. I spent years not being able to sleep on a bed because of my back and hips. When I got the mattress, I had the best sleep I had had in years.”

“Getting a memory foam mattress changed my whole life.”


Photo Credit: Ollyy/Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Luis Molinero/Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Koldunov/Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Ollyy/Shutterstock.

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