His Girlfriend Thinks He’s Selfish for Not Buying a New Truck To Help Her Friends Move

A 26-year-old man is asking for advice on how to deal with his girlfriend. His old truck recently gave out, and now she’s asking him to get a new one so that he can help her friends move. There’s just one catch: She won’t contribute to the cost.

Here’s what happened.

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The guy explains that he owns a ‘beater’ truck which is used whenever his regular vehicle isn’t sufficient. For instance, he uses it to drive himself and his girlfriend to the cabin every year, transporting their three large dogs as well. He also hauls stuff for his girlfriend’s friends and has even helped some of them move.

It is, therefore, safe to say that both of them have had good use of the old truck, but when the guy asked his girlfriend to pitch in on maintenance costs, she declined.

He says: “I didn’t ask for much money and made it clear I’d still be doing upkeep on said truck out of my pocket.”

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Unfortunately, the truck recently gave out due to engine failure, and the guy is now left without a second vehicle which couldn’t have come at a worse time for the girlfriend as another one of her friends is moving. The guy agreed to help but now has to back out of the agreement as he doesn’t have a truck.

The 26-year-old said that the truck is not worth fixing, so he also won’t be able to take his girlfriend and the three large dogs to the cabin this year. He explained to his girlfriend that his regular vehicle simply isn’t big enough for the dogs, their food, and crates. He, therefore, suggested they split up into two cars when making the trip.

The girlfriend got annoyed and simply couldn’t understand why the guy didn’t just get a loan and buy a new truck. She accused him of ‘punishing’ her because she didn’t want to contribute to the maintenance cost of the old truck.

The guy was in two minds about whether he was in the wrong, but he explained: “I’m not avoiding buying a truck to punish her. I need a truck myself, and I will be buying one ASAP, I simply don’t have the money for a quality truck saved up right now.”

Online readers were quick to weigh in, some explaining that since it was his truck, he shouldn’t ask the girlfriend to pitch in or contribute towards the cost of a replacement truck.

Another noted:” In hindsight, though you meant well, don’t ask a friend (you’re not married yet) to help pay for your personal property though you will give them access to it. As you have already noticed, people can be weird about financial obligations.”

Others disagreed, saying: “if your GF needs a truck so bad, tell HER to go get a loan out and buy a truck. Her self-entitlement and demanding attitude of what you NEED to do and what you can afford right now is pretty gross behavior, actually.”

What do you think about the guy asking his girlfriend for a financial contribution for the old truck? And is she in the wrong for asking him to take out a loan to buy a new one?

Source: Reddit

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