She Showed Up at Her Ex-Husband’s Wedding in a ‘Red Wedding Dress’ but Insists She Did Nothing Wrong

A woman recently came under fire for wearing an eye-catching dress to her ex-husband’s wedding. The woman insists she didn’t do anything wrong, but asked the Reddit community for their opinion.

Here’s what she had to say. 

red dress
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

The woman is on good terms with her ex-husband. They co-parent their three children and never got sucked into stupid arguments or point-scoring. 

They lead separate lives and maintain a civil relationship because of their kids. This is what grown-ups do.

So when the man decided to marry his new partner, Stephanie, he invited his first wife to the ceremony. And she accepted.

But the new bride, Stephanie, didn’t see it that way when the day finally arrived. Stephanie was livid that her husband’s ex-wife had even dared to show up. She presumed wife number one would not accept the invitation or, at most, show up, drop the kids off, and then leave.

And Stephanie made her feelings very clear. She told wife number one to take a hike. She didn’t want her here. This was her day.

But the ex-wife stood her ground and stayed. After all, she’d driven two hours to the wedding, and her kids were there. Why should she leave? She was a guest.

Stephanie was furious! According to the ex-wife, the bride went into full bridezilla mode, accusing her of wearing a fancy dress that outshone hers. 

In other words, the ex-wife had done the one thing a woman should never do at another woman’s wedding. Upstage the bride.

However, the ex-wife didn’t think the dress was anything special. It was just something she picked up for the day.

But Stephanie wasn’t hearing any of it. She continued to accuse the woman of sabotaging the wedding.

Eventually, the woman’s ex and his mother managed to calm Stephanie down, and the ceremony went ahead without any problems or issues.

The woman thought that was the end of it so she relaxed and tried to enjoy the rest of the day.

But then bridezilla struck again! 

During the after-party, Stephanie asked to speak to the woman privately. The woman thought she was about to get an apology but that’s not what happened.

Stephanie doubled down on her earlier accusations. Then she went even further. As well as accusing the woman of trying to outshine her at her wedding, Stephanie suggested she was doing it because she was jealous and wanted to steal her ex-husband back!

The woman said she had no interest whatsoever in getting back with her ex. And she told Stephanie, quite rightly, that these accusations were coming from her own insecurities. They had nothing to do with a dress.

But this only made the bridezilla angrier.

So the woman did the smart thing. She acted like the bigger person and left the party. And when she got home, she threw the dress that had caused all the trouble in the trash.

But she wasn’t sure if she had acted inappropriately, so she asked the Reddit community for their opinion as well as shared a photo of the dress. Turns out, it looked just like a red wedding dress!

One user wrote, “YTA, I love when these posts are skewed to be “but I didn’t do anything wrong!” And then you see the dress, and it’s literally a red wedding dress.”

Another said, “if I was truly happy for my ex and his new wife, I’d dress way down. Like, sit me with the frumpy aunts down. You have to know you’re basically being tolerated as a guest on your ex’s wedding day for the sake of the kids.”

Would you ever attend an ex-partner’s wedding?

Source: Reddit

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