Husband Expects His 4 Months Pregnant Wife To Clean After His Family Who Are Staying With Them After They Got Evicted

A 26-year-old woman recently took to Reddit to ask for advice about her unreasonable husband.

BIL family
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

The woman has just moved into her first home, and she’s also four months with her first child.

The pregnancy has been tough on her, and she has horrible morning sickness. It even got to a point where she passed out and hit her head, and she was then admitted to the hospital for a week.

When she got home from the hospital, she found out that her husband had allowed his brother’s family to move into their home and had taken over two of the three bedrooms in the house. The family was evicted from their own home, but the woman isn’t sure why.

One of the rooms they took over was the woman’s office. She found that all her papers had been tossed into her own bedroom, and it was a mess.

“The house was a complete wreck. Trash, dirty clothes, used diapers. I started to cry,” she said.

It was like something that happened, and her husband was no longer the same.

He didn’t seem to care and told her, “it wasn’t that bad.”

The woman was angry and told her husband that she should have the whole house cleaned up before she woke up the next day.

Exhausted from the hospital trip, she fell asleep for four hours. When she woke up, she went to get a drink of water, but all of the glasses were scattered around the house. The husband’s family didn’t clean a single thing, so she passive-aggressively started to pick up all the dirty dishes around the house and wash them.

The next day, the woman, who works from home, was having a hard time because the kids were screaming and banging on the walls.

Their mom was in the house, but she just ignored them. 

When her husband came home, the woman told him she was fed up, but he got angry. He said she hadn’t made his brother feel welcome in their home, and she should have helped his brother’s wife with the kids because she was tired too. 

Her husband also complained that she hadn’t done any of the house chores, which infuriated the woman as his brother’s family constantly made a mess.

This, of course, led to a huge argument, and the woman told her husband, “I am too sick to have company, and they need to leave.”

The man replied that he would not kick out his family, so the exhausted woman started to cry again.

She had had enough and therefore called her mum, asking if she could stay with her.

She spoke to her on the phone in front of her husband, who looked utterly shocked that she’d phoned her mother.

“I was beyond frustrated, exhausted. I physically couldn’t do it anymore,” she said.

Her mum arrived with her three older brothers, and she was not happy. “Since your family can stay, so can we,” her mom told the husband.

The woman’s mother quickly took charge. She sent her daughter to bed, and her brothers started to clean the house while complaining about how disgusting her BIL family was.

They also made it clear that they thought her husband was terrible for putting her through all of this while she was sick. 

The woman then got a text message from her mother-in-law, saying that she should be helping her son clean the house and that it was inappropriate that her mother had come to help.

However, when the mother-in-law also came to the house, she saw how dirty it was inside. Her son, the woman’s brother-in-law, had lied to her about the state of the house. She saw just how much mess they had been making, and she also started cleaning.

The woman asked the Reddit community if she was wrong for calling her own mom, but the commenters quickly supported her. 

One user said, “house guests in a shared home require TWO yesses and only one no. Both of you agree, or it shouldn’t happen. Your husband has treated you abominably.”

 Another said, “You clearly have a close connection with your family OP. Get out now. Have mom rally your brothers again and get all your important documents, important items, and keepsakes, and leave.”

What do you think about the husband’s actions?

 Source: Reddit

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