He Inherited a Fortune From His Dad’s Friend, but Now the Family Is Threatening To Sue

A man has questioned whether he is in the wrong for accepting money given to him in a will by somebody who gave nothing to their own biological child.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

The 27-year-old man’s father, who is 61 years old, had a friend called Jay, who was like an uncle and a mentor to the man when he was growing up, teaching him a lot of things about the world.

Jay was married to 51-year-old May for 30 years, but due to sterility issues, he had an illegitimate child, Kay, around 21 years ago.

Jay and May solved their issues, however, and remained happily married. He paid child support for Kay for 18 years but wanted nothing else to do with him.

Three years ago, Jay was diagnosed with cancer. Upon receiving the news, he tried to contact Kay, but at that point, he refused his efforts.

Jay also had a brother who had two sons with his wife. Though he never overly approved of his sister-in-law, the two got along fine.

Jay recently passed away due to his illness after fighting it for three years. The man was the one who convinced Jay to finally see a doctor prior to his diagnosis, and through his work at the hospital, the man used his connections to help find Jay the best treatment he could.

“A lot of people showed up to the funeral, including Kay and Jay’s affair partner,” he said.

“Seeing so many people pay their respects was heartwarming, but May was displeased seeing Kay and the affair partner there.

“After the funeral, as Jay’s executor, May told everyone what was in his will.”

May announced that 40 percent of his estate would go to her, 20 percent would go to his two nephews, aged 16 and 19, five percent would go to his friends, and the rest would go to the man.

This caused outrage from Kay, Jay’s affair partner, and his sister-in-law.

“The sister-in-law said her nephews should get more,” he said.

“Her eldest and Jay’s brother quickly shut her down, though. From what Jay had told me about her, she’s the kind of person to go to court over this, but his brother seemed reasonable and understanding, so hopefully, nothing happens.”

Kay, meanwhile, was furious, wondering how Jay could dare leave him out of the will after he could not be a father during his life.

His tirade extended to criticizing Jay at his own funeral while threatening to sue everyone there.

The man then stepped in with an offer for Kay. He would give him around five percent in cash, there and then, so long as he left everyone alone and the family did not see him again.

Kay was angered at the suggestion, accusing the man of being an entitled jerk and emphasizing that he was going to sue for everything.

The man told his friends this story several days after the event, thinking that it would be funny or entertaining.

Some of his friends, however, disagreed, saying he was in the wrong for fighting for money he did not need and that Jay was wrong for having such little contact with his child.

So the man turned to Reddit, asking if he should give the money away or if he had a right to keep it.

The reactions to his story are mixed.

“Kay deserves every bit of their anger,” said one commenter.

“They were abandoned by their cheating father their entire lives.”

“I think it wouldn’t hurt you to acknowledge Kay’s pain and Jay’s poor behavior, and it might go a long way toward healing things.”

Another disagreed, saying, “Jay is entitled to split his money however he pleases. Kay doesn’t really have a leg to stand on legally.”

“You’re entitled to receive what was allocated to you by Jay.”

What do you think? Was the man right to take the money given to him in Jay’s will?

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Source: Reddit