She Made a Joke About Her Cousin’s Pregnancy But Then a Week Later, She Got a Phone Call from Her Family

This woman made an off-hand joke that “predicted” her cousin’s secret pregnancy. Now her super religious family is accusing her of witchcraft and devil worship. Seriously. Here’s what happened.

Her Family Is Religious

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“My mom’s side of the family is religious. My mom brought us to church every week, did all the sacraments, and sent us to Catholic school our whole lives.”

But She’s Not Religious

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Although not a religious believer (despite her religious upbringing), the woman maintains a spiritual inclination and possesses a respectful and open-minded attitude toward the religious beliefs of the man’s family.

Whether it involves attending church services or participating in prayers before meals, she gracefully accommodates their practices without imposing her own worldview or challenging their beliefs.

The Joke

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Overall, the situation is pretty chilled. Or it used to be until she cracked a joke at the family dinner. She has now been made to feel like a complete outsider among her own family.

They Had a Family Gettogether

Photo Credit: Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.

“We were all together a couple of weeks ago, and my cousin’s baby was playing on the floor,” shared the girl on Reddit. “She kept putting her head on the ground, so it looks like she’s about to do a handstand.”

The baby’s mom laughed, saying that the kid had been doing that every day for a week.

That Reminded the Girl of An Interesting Cultural Fact She Had Heard 

Photo Credit: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock.

“I laughed too and said, ‘In some cultures, they say that means the child is looking for their sibling, so be careful!'” said the girl.

Everyone at the table laughed at the joke, and the conversation quickly moved on. The woman didn’t dwell on the comment afterward.

Then Something Happened

Your call is very important to us. Please continue to hold
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But then, about a week later, she received a very angry phone call from her aunt, the cousin’s mom.

“She was screaming at me,” said the girl. “She was barely making any sense, and eventually, my uncle took the phone from her and said something about keeping the witchcraft away from them and how dare I ruin something that should have been a special private moment between husband and wife.”

She Couldn’t Believe It

Photo Credit: Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.

The woman was baffled. Witchcraft? She had absolutely no idea what these guys were talking about.

She couldn’t get any sense from her aunt or uncle, so she hung up the phone and called her mom.

The Cousin Was Pregnant

pregnant belly
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

That’s when she discovered the cousin’s wife was actually pregnant.

She called to congratulate the couple, and she was shocked by their response.

They Were Not Happy to Hear from Her

Photo Credit: Cast Of Thousands/Shutterstock.

“They said I should have kept my nose out of their business and not call them again.”

Then things got even crazier. Other members of this super-religious family started bombarding her with texts, accusing her of using witchcraft and devil worship and ruining her cousin’s pregnancy announcement.

Should She Apologize?

Photo Credit: maBerlin/Shutterstock.

Now she doesn’t know what to do. On the one hand, she knows she’s done nothing wrong. But on the other hand, she’s willing to apologize if it makes people happy and resolves the family conflict.

“I’m not the jerk,” said the girl. “But I’m considering an apology because I really love my cousin and hate that we’re not on good terms.”

She Asked Reddit if This Was the Right Thing to Do

Reddit Moderation
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“You shouldn’t need to apologize,” said one person. “You made a joke. How could they think you were spoiling an announcement you had no idea of? It was sheer coincidence. It wasn’t like you came out and said, ‘Hey, she’s pregnant, guys!’ That would have been spoiling it.”

“Stand Your Ground”

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“Stand your ground,” advised another. “I’d bring Tarot cards to the next family gathering and ask if anyone else wants their fortune read as a joke. It would help filter out those who are secretly judging you behind your back and only being kind to your face.”

How crazy is this situation? What should the woman do?


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Source: Reddit