She Used Him To Win an Award so He Plotted His Revenge and Got Her Disqualified

A 17-year-old boy recently discovered that his classmate had been using him to win an award.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Here’s what happened.

The boy was being bullied quite badly at his school for his appearance, as he had two long scars on his face. These were from a major biking accident when he was 13, and nothing could be done about them.

Every day he would hear mean comments about his looks, and people would call him ‘ugly’ and ‘intimidating.’ The boy was used to hearing this, and luckily he wasn’t too bothered.

However, there was one person whose opinion he did care about. Becky. The boy had had a crush on Becky for the longest time. “I thought she was genuinely sweet and amazing,” he said.

With encouragement from his family, he decided to ask her out. He made a song for her, bought her favorite chocolates, and one day, simply made his move. What did he have to lose?

To his surprise, the girl accepted, and they went on an incredible date. They went to a fancy restaurant and took a long walk, and overall, the boy thought the day was a huge success. The girl was incredibly sweet and began spending more time with him at school.

Other people at school started noticing the two together, and for about a week, the boy was in heaven. He had never felt love like this before!

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But the bubble quickly burst as one day, one of Becky’s friends sent the boy some screenshots of Becky’s Instagram posts. He couldn’t believe his own eyes.

The posts read: ‘Fulfilled his lifelong wish by being his Valentine’s,’ ‘making his day by finally helping him interact with my friends,’ ‘he is ugly, but beautiful people accept ugly people,’ ‘#uglypeoplematter’ and so on.

The friend explained to the boy that Becky was trying to win a ‘positive role model’ award for her college application. Therefore, she used him to gain a better social media image and even asked her friends to tolerate the boy and be kind to him for a week. Afterward, they could ignore him again.

The boy was heartbroken, in tears, and felt disgusted. But he was also furious. How could she do this to him? He didn’t think it was fair that she should win a ‘positive role model’ award when she had actually been a terrible person. He, therefore, researched the award and contacted the organizers to tell them what had happened.

And the organizing body agreed with him. The girl’s nomination was withdrawn, but unfortunately, everyone at school knew it was because of the boy.

He says: “I am now even more ostracised in school, but honestly, I have no remorse whatsoever and feel far more satisfied.”

The boy shared his story online, and many people came to his defense.

One user said: “How did she even qualify for an award like that with this as her entry submission? What she did to you was dehumanizing and so incredibly out of line.”

Another noted: “Dude get away from that high school, college is way more easy going, and there are a lot more open-minded people. You’re going to do great, just gotta get to that stage 1 finish line.”

A third user even praised Becky’s friend, who sent the boy the screenshot of the Instagram posts: “That’s the real MVP here. This person had the wherewithal and moral fiber to know that you had to be told the truth.”

What do you think about what Becky did? And was the boy right to let the award organizers know?

Read the story on Reddit here.

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