He Saw Two Women Being Rude To A Walmart Worker So He Decided to Take Revenge

A story about a man taking revenge on two entitled women at Walmart is doing the rounds on the internet. 

The man, 50, was at Walmart one day doing his grocery shopping when he suddenly heard a young girl say ‘excuse me’ to two women standing in front of the restocking room. The girl, 20ish, was very polite and needed to get through the doors with her supply cart.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

However, the two women looked at the worker as if annoyed that they had been interrupted and kept talking without stepping away.

The worker, again, asked the ladies if they could please move as she needed to get through to the storeroom. The women scoffed and continued talking.

The man, not liking the women mistreating the worker, slowly walked up behind them and decided to snag one of their carts full of groceries.

As the two women were still busy talking, it took them a few moments to notice that the cart was gone. Suddenly, one of the women began running after the man, but he wouldn’t let go of the cart. 

She grabbed hold of it and tried to pull the cart away from him, but he made it all the way to the front of the store before letting go.

The man then decides to play the same trick on the other lady, returns to the stock room doors, and sees the second cart. 

He wheels it off to the camping section of the store and grabs a few items from the cart. “I needed milk and eggs anyway, so bonus,” he says, and paid for his groceries.

The man realizes that his prank was silly and perhaps a bit childish, but he says: “I have a particular sensitivity to people mistreating workers.”

The man left the store and, as the months passed, forgot about the whole thing.

But what happened next was crazy.

A year later, the man is sitting in a restaurant and notices that one of the servers keeps staring at him.

He suddenly realizes who she is and asks her: “didn’t you use to work at Walmart?

The girl gets super excited and tells him that she remembers him!

It turns out the two ladies complained to the store manager, saying a random guy wanted to steal their groceries. However, the girl explained the entire thing to the manager, and the story has since become folklore at Walmart. 

Many people on the internet thought the man was in the wrong for what he did, but the girl told him she really appreciated him standing up for her. 

What do you think? Was the man in the wrong, or did the two ladies deserve to get pranked?

Read the story on Reddit here.

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