26 Things Men Wish Other Men Would Just Stop Doing

Theree are some behaviors that some men exhibit that can be frustrating, annoying, or even harmful to those around them. Someone recently asked, “What things do you wish other men would stop doing?” And here are the top 26 answers.

Insulting Others In Front Of Women

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock.

“I know, right!? Proper etiquette is for the boys to prop you up, not to push me down. If his crush is nearby, you treat him like the funniest, smartest, coolest dude in the group.”

“As a girl, I agree; this is the most unattractive thing a guy can do. Please stop. It’s immature, embarrassing, and makes us want to run away.”

Macho Posturing

Macho Posturing
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“Stop trying to be Mr. Tough, arrogant guy when an attractive woman is in your presence.”

“When I did tree work, nobody wanted to pick up any of the big chunks of logs, but when a hot jogger went by, all a sudden, all this heavy stuff started flying into the truck. They never even looked in our direction.”

Not Washing Their Hands

Not Washing Their Hands
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“I spent 30+ years in the restaurant industry. I’d be in the men’s washroom; how many men didn’t just not wash their hands after urinating but ALSO dropping a deuce was sickening. They would just go back to their food.”

“I’ve seen guys use the urinal, get pee on their hands and, instead of washing, they just get a paper towel and leave. Now I’m trapped in here because I can’t touch the door handle!”

Hitting On Women In Relationships

Hitting On Women In Relationships
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“The weird thing is; why would you want a woman whose done that to their ex if you do successfully hook up?”

“It’s extremely disrespectful to both guy and girl. You’re telling the guy you’re better than him, and you don’t respect his relationships, and you’re treating the girl like she’s some trophy to win away from someone. It’s a stupid thing to do.”

Harassing Women

Touching My Waist Or Lower Back
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“Hitting on women non-stop, who are clearly uncomfortable. I hate it; it’s so creepy and hard to watch.”

Insulting Women That Turn Them Down

Insulting Women That Turn Them Down
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“If she’s not super rude, then really, why!? It’s not hard to be civil, and name-calling makes you sound like a pathetic sore loser. Have some respect and imagine your grandmother could hear you.”

“It’s so oddly hilarious. I witnessed a dude tell a woman how gorgeous she was; that he would marry her that very night. When she declined, he called her a fat, ugly tramp!”

Approaching Women Outside At Night

Approaching Women Outside At Night
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“Stop approaching women in parking lots! At night! My girlfriend mentions that way older guys ask her out while she’s carrying groceries. The worst was a guy who knocked on her window when she was sitting in her car.”

“I’ve heard the best place to pick up girls is the grocery store, but in the store where people are, NOT in the dead of night near their car. That’s rapey as anything!”

Not Smiling

Photo Credit: Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.

“I have two looks; Vaguely Grumpy or Serial Killer. Pick one.”

“I know, but it’s legitimately difficult for me to maintain a smile. I always end up looking like I want to eat your pancreas or something, so I just don’t bother much.”

“You could even give me a little kiss to defuse the tension, my dude.”

Joining Pyramid Schemes

They Try And Sell Me A Pyramid Scheme
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“They’re always really vague about what they do. I don’t want an exclusive chance to gain you as a mentor; I sat next to you in pre-algebra and know that the concept of math escapes you.”

“Hustle culture is incredibly toxic and grossly pervasive right now.”

Faking It

Faking It
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“Stop renting luxury vehicles for a weekend and pretending you ‘made it.’ If your whole plan is to just fake it till you make it, then I’m not interested in whatever you’re doing.”

“Those dudes on YouTube who rent a Lambo for a couple of hours and then hire an actress to pretend to be impressed by it are beyond pathetic.”

Unsolicited Genital Photos

Unsolicited Genital Photos
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“A man sending these is like a cat bringing in a dead mouse. We can see that you’re proud of it, but we’re going to throw that away without ever touching it.”

“Some guys think women will be attracted to these pics the same way they like boob pics. The two are not equivalent. The only group I know that like them are gay men.”

Peeing On The Toilet Seat

Peeing On The Toilet Seat
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“You’re a grown man; lift the seat or sit if you can’t get all your pee dribbles in the hole.”

“Love that this was also one of the top answers on the Women’s version of this post too.”

“Or, at the very least, clean up after.”

Inability To Share Their Feelings

Inability To Share Their Feelings
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“Making adult male friends is such a chore for this very reason.”

“It’s tough, but as a guy, you have to make yourself vulnerable enough to be known without over-sharing or seeming weak or desperate.”

“And when someone does get you to tell your deepest thoughts, you get mocked for it.”

Hitting On Much Younger Women

Hitting On Much Younger Women
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“I heard a man in his late 40s hitting on the 16-year-old cashier, and he noted that she looked uncomfortable. He proceeded to mansplain that, as a female cashier, she would be hit on a lot and that she just had to roll with it. I was struck by how ridiculous it was that he knew that but, somehow, didn’t think he was the problem.”

“Please stop hitting on the female cashier that is less than half your age.”

Complaining About No Sex (When Wife Just Gave Birth)

Not Arguing With Idiots
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

“They cry, ‘I split with my wife one month after birth because our relationship tanked.’ Drives me nuts. Your child’s mother is going through hell with hormones and no sleep. Deal with it.”

Spending Money On Cam Girls

Spending Money On Cam Girls
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“But if I donate $100, she might say my name! It’s so embarrassing.”

“Do we need to rebrand not falling in love with a stripper for the modern age?”

“I found out he spent $1000 on a single OF girl over the last year and repeatedly tried to treat her like a therapist and sent her pictures of our cat.”

Lazy Dads

Lazy Dads
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

Just because your infant calms down faster with mom doesn’t mean you stop trying.”

“The proud ‘I never changed a diaper’ so-called fathers and husbands. I’ve changed about 3000 diapers in my life. It’s the bare minimum, fellas. Help your partner and be a dad!”

“Infant would calm down if it actually got used to its own (loving) father.”

Sizing One-another Up

Sizing One-another Up
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“This unspoken act of who is the more ‘alpha’ guy (barf). It happens a lot. You can feel it in their body language, tone of voice and implicit behaviors, and it’s awkward and exhausting.”

“Let me comfortably make my way through this space without all these pretenses and social hierarchy weighing me down, please.”

Distrust Of Other Men

Distrust Of Other Men
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“Being unfriendly towards other men in social situations is rife. I’ve said ‘hi’ to dudes at bars when I am alone, and I always get the cold shoulder. I don’t get it.”

“Sadly, the majority of the men I notice in social situations are stand-offish and very territorial. Can’t we relax and stop tensing our muscles?”

Not Teaching Their Sons About Emotions

Not Teaching Their Sons Emotions
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“Emotions are physical. They are part and parcel of being biological creatures. Some dads train their boys to believe that having emotions is wrong. They describe women as “emotional” as if that’s a problem.”

“When they’re sad, don’t tell them to “man up.” Being tough is not as important as being honest with themselves.”

Using The Urinal Next To Mine

Using The Urinal Next To Mine
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“That’s why I always compliment the guy on his wristwatch to put him at ease.”

“Especially if you’re an adult; don’t go stand right next to a kid. They hate it and find it super uncomfortable. Give the little guys some room; they’re still in training.”

“There’s an unspoken rule that you always go to the urinal that’s the furthest distance from everyone else.”

Inappropriate Comments About Women

Inappropriate Comments About Women
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“Talking about women they see in the nastiest of ways is gross. Chill out, bro; yes, she was cute, but I don’t need to hear the inhumane stuff you would do to her in bed.”

“I can’t have a conversation with my male co-workers without their eyes drifting away to ogle at every barely legal woman in the vicinity and making a comment about her.”

Defending Creeps / Rapists

Defending Creeps _ Rapists
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“You suddenly realize just what a guy is like when someone he admires is involved in a sexual misconduct scandal.”

“They instantly flip from “If I had a daughter, I’d be in prison for murdering the first guy who broke her heart” to “Well, she was wearing quite a short skirt.”

Saying “A Real Man Would”

Saying “A Real Man Would”
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

A real man wouldn’t be a jerk, thinks before acting, and thinks about others. Sometimes that means NOT charging in and breaking people because you’re strong.”

Trying To ‘Teach’ Me To Be A Man

Trying To ‘Teach’ Me To Be A Man
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“I had friends that had an “I’ll make a man out of you” kind of mindset. Apparently, I didn’t live up to their misogynistic standards; they thought getting women as your only life goal was a good thing, and being toxic as all was the way to get there.”

Aggressive Driving

Aggressive Driving
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com.

“For most people, driving is the most dangerous thing we do on a daily basis; it would be nice if everyone on the road respected that fact.”

“I used to do this because a part of me hoped I would die in a fireball, and everyone would assume it was a tragic accident (rather than trying to impress people). Either way, it was an incredibly selfish thing to do.”


Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Ollyy/Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.

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Source: Reddit