5 Body Language Tricks to Get More Confidence

Confidence may feel like a purely emotional trait, but your physical actions massively contribute to building tenacity. Confident body language has been scientifically proven to increase your self-esteem. So what body language hacks can you use to boost your confidence?

In this article, we’ll take you through how you can radiate confidence and feel great about yourself.

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Keep Your Chin and Head Up

These two postures are key to keeping your body language optimistic and confident. Instead of looking at the ground when you’re walking or talking with your head down, pretend there’s a string holding your head upwards. 

Even when you are tired or self-conscious about something, reminding yourself to hold your head and chin up high will help you feel more positive and distract you from negative feelings. 

Use Eye Contact

For many people who lack confidence or feel uncomfortable in social situations, maintaining eye contact is one of the most challenging parts of body language.

If you’re already keeping your chin and head up, you’ll simply have to look straight ahead at the person you’re speaking to. 

Maintaining strong eye contact with someone exudes confidence and lets the person you’re speaking with know you’re interested and receptive. 

A simple trick to make eye contact easier is to fluctuate from looking at the other person’s eyes to their nose, to their mouth, and back to their eyes. This should help you keep comfortable and let the person you’re speaking with know you have their full attention.

Stand or Sit up Straight

Science has shown that good posture is healthy for you in the long run and makes you calmer and more confident. 

Slouching actually compresses the amount of space your lungs have to function, which can reduce their capacity by up to 30%. This means your brain will get less oxygen, slowing your thoughts and affecting your confidence. 

If you sit up straight, you’ll be able to think better, feel calmer, and be more confident. 

In addition to the health benefits, standing up straight also makes you appear more confident in yourself and others. Try rolling your shoulders back and relaxing in an upright position next time you need to tackle a difficult task.

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Choose Where to Put Your Hands

Hand and arm placement can show a lot about someone’s attitudes and feelings. Hiding your hands is a sign of being nervous. If you want to look more assured, make sure you keep your hands out of your pockets.

You’ll also want to avoid touching your neck or face. This action shows that you are nervous, anxious, or afraid. Crossing your arms also negatively affects you because it makes you seem closed off.

Holding your hands in front of you in the steeple position is what many of the most influential people do to appear more confident. You can also place your hands on your hips with your elbows out, which signals you are alert and ready.

Have a Wide, Open Stance

It may seem ridiculous, but your posture says so much about how you’re feeling inside, whether it is true or not. Standing with your feet too close or off balance makes you appear timid or unsure of yourself. 

Your posture should have your hips and shoulders aligned, with your feet a foot apart and pointing forward. You’ll look physically balanced, making your appearance strong and confident.

If you’re sitting in a meeting somewhere, you also want to be aware of where you are angling your feet. Point your feet in the direction of the person you are talking to.

This will show that you’re interested and receptive to the speaker, building trust. Crossing your legs or pointing your legs away from the person you’re meeting with can make it appear you are disinterested.

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